Monday, July 28, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

So I am finding three to be a tough age, a lot harder than the terrible two's. I've decided this is worse because now Manny has a vocabulary. He comes out with phrases that crack us up and others that are sooo fresh. Like when I am punishing him and tell him "Go to your room for a timeout!" He responds, "Okay mommy".....YEAH RIGHT!! He says, "NO, YOU go to your room!!!" This morning he asked me to make him a PB&J and followed with "Do you hear me?" No response from me.... "Am I clear?" Yeah, ok I need to watch what I say to him all the time, he sounds like me at times. Last week I heard him walking up the steps saying "I'm sick of this" and I asked what he was "sick" of? He told me he was tired of no one answering him so he had to come upstairs. Now I know where that one came from....the 8 yo sister who is tired of him messing up everything in her room. The list goes on, but those are the few that come to mind today.
It takes a lot of patience to tolerate and handle the attitude, comments and behavior. Being the "bigger" person is trying at times. It would/could be so easy to stoop to his level and tell him he's stupid when he tells me I'm stupid (every time he doesn't get his own way). Gotta love big sis and 101 Dalmatians for that one!!
Does it ever get better? I know...different things at different ages.


Ashley said...

oh my gosh! I am trying so hard not to laugh... the "am I clear" is too much!!!