Thursday, July 10, 2008

He can entertain himself for a short time...

His eyes are looking like they might just be my color (YEAH!!!!!!!!) I heart his eyelashes and wish mine were THAT long!!

Julian is changing everyday and I can't believe how much more he is doing. He laughs like crazy at everything, always has a beautiful smile, jumps so high and hard in his jumparoo (I have to get video of it) and is so lovable. When I brought him to daycare for his weekly visit (Mommy's favorite day of the week=no kids!) they thought he changed and got bigger in the week since seeing him last. The reflux is still a problem, now we are waiting to see a pediatric gastroenterologist (or something like that) in OCTOBER!! I can't believe I have to wait to get any hope of an answer until then; he'll be almost 8 months old then!! Julian is very self structured and sticks to his routine. He no longer likes to have me hold him tight to go to sleep. He has to be in his crib, on his side, with his blanket and binky and he falls asleep listening to the aquarium and the fan. He now goes to bed around 7, sleeps 6 hours, up to eat and back to sleep until 5:30 ish. I can handle that!!! The big one on the other hand still "needs" me for everything and wants me to still lay with him to fall asleep (I am thankful Julian is different, but it makes me sad because he's my baby (last one)) I can't walk out the same room as Manny for more that 60 seconds and he is panicking running around the house looking for me. I couldn't imagine how much worse it would be if I didn't work and he didn't go to daycare. I love my boys though!!!! XOXOXOXOXO