Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More tubes

It was decided at Manny's ENT appointment today that he will have a second set of tubes put in and his adenoids removed at the same time. I am not happy that he needs surgery and has to be put under....but I like the idea that he will not have the ear infections every couple of weeks and constantly be in pain. His behavior changed (not for the better) recently and we knew it had something to do with the ears....same thing was happening before his last set of tubes. The ENT explained something about the pressure (or no pressure....I forget) in his middle ear affects it. We do not have a date set yet....hopefully soon though. Another positive is that he told me we can have the blood work done while Manny is under; that the endocrinologist forgot to do.....my main reason why I went to him.


Ashley said...

I'm sorry that he will have to be put under and have surgery... but hopefully it will fix things once and for all!!! I hope Julian had a great time at his birthday party, so sorry we couldn't make it down :( we miss you all!!!