Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fun times

This little cherub is officially a big boy. Tonight at bed time I tucked he and Manny in and no sooner get out the door and Manny is yelling that Julian is climbing out of the crib. I go in and sure enough he's sitting on the railing like he's riding a horse. I turn the crib around and put the high backboard out front, thinking that will keep him in, silly me. I again get to the end of the hallway and Manny is screaming that Julian is up on the highest part climbing out. I go and and put him back in his crib, he jumps up, throws his leg over and sits up top, smiling and laughing. Now I know I can't leave him in there because he'll fall out and get hurt, so I find the allen key and take off the front of the crib, turning it into a toddler bed. I put up the guard rail and know in my heart it's going to be a long night. Julian got out of his bed more times than I want to remember, running around the room, climbing in bed with Manny. It was like a party was going on in there. I gave up putting him back in his bed. Daddy went in, put both of them in their beds, sternly told them to stay in their beds. I actually have no clue whether they listened...I've had a long day so I escaped downstairs to the computer for some me time. We'll see what the next few nights bring :)