Saturday, December 19, 2009

big progress

The first few nights of putting Manny and Julian in bed at the same time was torture for me..not them. They loved playing and running around and climbing into each others seriously took 45 min to and hour and a half for them to go to sleep and lots of me putting them back in their beds and tucking them in with strict warnings to stay in bed (they don't listen to mommy). Finally Thursday night I decided to put Julian in first (30 min before Manny). It worked perfectly. Julian only cried for a few minutes on and off and then was sound asleep. I did the same thing the last nights and it works. I think I will stick to this rather than deal with them being crazy for so long! :)

Other big news is that Julian is obsessed with using the potty and he constantly wants to sit on the potty and he does use it:) He's only 22 months and loves doing what his big brother does. If Manny says he has to go potty...all of a sudden Julian does too...or atleast he sits there.

Manny complained this am of his ear hurting so after school and work today I took him to the Dr. After an hour of waiting (y patience were gone at that point and to think I left work early to sit around there) I finally saw another Dr b/c the kid's Dr was way behind. Manny has an ear infection and touch of bronchitis. I see a pattern here. The Monday before Thanksgiving he had pneumonia. Now, the Monday before Christmas he has bronchitis!!

And to top the ever so stressful evening off Taina threw up (in the toilet thank goodness) and Manny did his bed while he was sleeping. Let's just say that was NOT pleasant to clean up at all!!!!!

Here's a picture of waiting in the car with the boys to go back into the Dr's today...we waited some of the hour in the car...easier to control them. NO, I WASN'T driving anywhere with Julian in the front seat. He was playing and wanted the seat belt on. He thinks he's bigger than what he really is :)