Monday, August 17, 2009

18 months old

Julian is 18 months old today...I can't believe it's been a year and a half...the time has flown and before I know it he will no longer be a baby; but he'll always be MY baby!! He is doing all the same as 17 months and then some. The vocabulary has grown even more, I couldn't even begin to list all of his words. He is just as fast as his brother and sister; gotta keep up with them. He loves horses (we've been out to Blue Chip to see them) and he loves dogs. He can identify his head, hair, eyes, ears, belly and nose (for some reason the finger always goes up in the nose when I ask where his nose is).

At his check up today he got 3 shots...and he was quite hard to hold down, he's quite a strong little guy. He weighs 26 lbs 5 oz (50th %) and is 33" (about 70th %). The doctor is quite pleased with his growth.

His new obsession is taking off his shorts and diaper and trying to use the toilet like his brother. I took out the little potty so when he is ready we can start potty training him. He sits on it....sometimes in clothes....takes it apart and even pees next to it....we'll get it right at some point!!

Julian has also discovered his voice and the sounds it can make. Of course his brother (still loud and enjoys screaming) thinks this is hilarious and encourages him to scream. He also has thrown a few tantrums...getting ready for 2 :)