Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Favorite Quotes

Here are my favorite sayings from Manny recently

"I'm going to marry you one day Mommy!" (you can bet I'll hold you to that one...I'll show you
this blog one day when you tell me
you've met the one for you and remind you
what you told me when you were 3)

"I'm sharing with you" (as he took my apple from my lunch bag as I was leaving for work)

and the lastest....

"You're my honey!"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Julian 7 months

I can't believe Julian is 7 months old quickly the time goes by. He is already crawling like crazy....follows me and his brother and sister around. He pulls himself up like a used to be slow and awkward, now it is as quick as 1,2,3. I predict within the next 3 months he'll be walking. He is getting another tooth on top...could be teeth but it doesn't feel that way. I love you my pumpkin!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Apple picking

Manny's preschool class went apple picking yesterday and lucky Daddy is off on Fridays so he got to go (I'm very jealous of that!!). My father-in-law is visiting from Puerto Rico so he joined them in the fun.

This one is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thowback Thursday

I am enjoying looking through all the photos I have saved on the computer from right before we moved into my parents and built the house. It's only a small variety over about a month or two but they are so precious!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A montage of photos...playing catch up

Brotherly love Manny is awesome with Julian
"This is how you drive a car."
Manny trying to hold Julian

Here's my little booger standing up....time to lower the crib and pack n play

Little Manny actually took these next 2 pics @ Taina's game last Sunday

(Yes the girls love Manny....he kept yelling "Girls, girls, look at me...." and of course they'd look, pose and smile for all of his pics....100 to be exact. Good thing it's a digital camera and I could erase the 24 pics of his fingers, the couple of the airplane flying over us, he also discovered self portraits!!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Throwback Thursday

Manny @ 13 months old....I so miss those days...even though 3.4 is wonderful too!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Follow me

I added a new feature that allows you to follow my blog and allows me to see who reads the blog and will give me the chance to read new blogs. So on the upper right side of the page click "Follow this blog"!!!


Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Playing catch up

Our computer has been down with a virus, but now fixed by hubby (thank goodness!!) I am also busy back at work. I LOVE my new position...haven't really started working with kids yet, except testing 1st graders. What a difference from 6th grade!! Today one little guy told me he was "sick in the head" and "blind"...guess he didn't want to read.....I'll be back to get him tomorrow to work with him.

Julian has started crawling. He doesn't do it as frequently at home because we have all hardwood floors, but Michelle sent me a video on my phone of him crawling at daycare....he's only 6 1/2 months....I am NOT ready to baby proof everything yet!

Manny started preschool and loves school, but not so much the bus. It's a long ride for a 3 year old and boring I'd assume. It's only he and another kid on the no one to really play with or talk to and definitely no movies like in mommy's truck.

Taina seems to be doing really well with 3rd grade so far. She comes off the bus excited everyday and has been doing an awesome job on her homework...not like last year where it was a struggle between she and I to get it done. Good job baby, I am proud of you. She also cheered for her first game this past Sunday and did great!! The boys won too!!